Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Because God told us to

Something's been happening in our hearts for the past few months. A stirring, a calling... this week Kim and I decided to accept that calling. What calling? Well it seems that God has called us to lead another trip to Albania this summer. We don't know all the details about the trip but we know that we're going. We invite you to join us in prayer.

Check out our Albania website if you're interested in seeing what God did with us the last time we were there...


The Betrothed

My wonderful wife Kim wanted to share this:

"Suppose, brethern, a man should make a ring for his betrothed, and she should love the ring more wholeheartedly than the betrothed who made it for her... Certainly, let her love his gift: but if she should say, " The ring is enough, I do not want to see his face again" what would we say of her? The pledge is given her by the betrothed just that, in his pledge, he himself may be loved. God, then, has given you all these things. Love Him who made them."


Hey guys, I recieved this poem a while ago, but I was just now inspired to write about it. When I first read it, it impacted me greatly because it was a great picture of what was happening in my life. God had provided me with a great husband, cute apartment, and all that I needed. I found myself putting my identity in my husband and consumed by how I could make my apartment look better..Now those things in my life were not bad...In fact they were great gifts from God... Yet they became my focus and God was not. I was more in love with God's creation, rather than God Himself. I thank God that He opened my eyes to this. The prayer of my heart is to constantly remember God as my "Betrothed." Dear friends, let us have the heavenly perspective that God desires us to have.. He is coming soon!.. And now I'd like to leave an awesome closing poem for you guys...

"The enjoyment of (God) is the only happiness with which our souls can be satisfied. To go to heaven, fully to enjoy God, is infinitely better than the most pleasant accomodations here. Fathers and mothers, husbands, wives, or children, or the company of earthly friends, are but shadows; but God is substance. These are but scattered beams, but God is the sun. These are but streams. But God is the ocean."

John Edwards

Monday, March 28, 2005


Yesterday marked one week that my best friend Sean has gone.... again.... I thank God that I was able to spend the month that he was supposed to be here plus a few more bonus weeks thanks to the FBI....(it's not what you think.... visa troubles)... anyway.... I have been pondering all week about just how to express how I feel and I still feel like I need more time.... but here's my best shot at it.

Thank You Lord for allowing me to have a friend who is not ashamed of serving you with all of his heart. A guy who is not ashamed of being sold out for you. And thank you for giving me a living example of how to worship you with my life..... of someone who gave up all that he had to go and do what You told him to and not only go but to stay when you told him to stay.... Thank You Lord for the privilege of knowing someone like that.

Sean You're my Hero and we'll be praying for you and your ministry there in Perth. Thank you for being an example. Miss you bro!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Black backgrounds!

I was just looking at this blog and I come to realize that it's really black..... don't get me wrong.... I kinda like it..... needs more pictures though and more stuff about worship. Maybe sometime soon.

Just so you know too.... the purpose of this site is to give me the ability to share about the things that God is teaching me about worship and how he is using me in that area of ministry..... so in short it's all about Worshiping God... just like it should be.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Pour out my heart

here I am once again and I pour out my heart for know that you hear
every cry you are listening....

Genesis 1:1

In the begining GOD created the heavens and the earth!.... Just so we are all clear on this....in the begining GOD... He was before the earth began and he'll be after it is gone..... same thing here. Just so we're all clear on that.