Saturday, May 21, 2005

The Video

Hey ya'll,

There is a nice video for ya.... let me know what you think.... WATCH IT.... IT's GREAT!

I'm actually currently reading David Crowder's book Sunsets and Sushi and it's funny.... and good... I highly recomend it. Read it..


Wednesday, May 18, 2005


Here I am at's the middle of the day.... I'm eating a nice bowl of Honey bunches of oats.....WITH ALMONDS!!! You gotta have those almonds.... Anyway, as I was sitting here I remembered that I was supposed to do.... But I couldn't remember what that something was so....I pondered a while..... after about an hour of walking around the house trying to figure out what that this was I finally realized what it was....I forgot to tell you all the news!!! I'm so sorry about that. I'm getting old ya know..... anyway.... here we go.....drum roll please.....

Starting July 1, 2005.... I will finally get to do what I love to do full time..... I know what you're thinking....Why would anyone want to collect lint animals full time?.... well it's not's the other thing I love.... I got hired on as a full time worship leader for the student ministries at Calvary Church Santa Ana......YAY... so.... that's my news.... so I start on July 1st officially. It's cool to see How god opens doors... Anyway... thats about it.... gotta go finish doing nothing.


Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Will it never end? Life seems to have dealt me a full deck as of late.... it seems like it's never gonna stop.... but ya know what?... I think actually like it..... in a way it's fun to be busy because with that comes the joy of complaining about being busy.... gotta love that. Anyway..... I have some news to tell you all about but.... I wont tell you until tomorrow so there ya go..... ponder.... wait.... ANGUISH..... I'm sure it's not gonna kill ya to wait ..... i just like dramatics..... anyway I did find something else cool though.... well as some of you might know I have an aversion to music produced by a certain band... namely the DAVID CROWDER BAND!!!! ... anyway... I found DC's blog.... not the band's blog but his.... check it out... right now they are in the studio recording for their next album and they have web cams and all.... it's pretty neat. are the links.... have fun with them.

David Crowder's Blog
Studio Web Cams

LEAVE ME SOME COMMENTS!!!... I like them!!!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

What is worship?

Isn't the God we serve so cool? I'm so blessed because I have the opportunity and privilege to worship Him and lead other in the worship of Him.... I love that. With that said I just wanted to share a few things that I've been learning in the past few days. I've recently been reading a book about worship (I can't remember the name of it at the moment because I'm in the middle of reading like 372 books right now). Anyway... here's a little about what I've been reminded of or learned through this book.

What is worship? Is worship just something we do when we're at church on Sunday mornings or on Wednesday nights? Is it the music that we sing when we're at church?.... The answer to that is simple.... YES... those things are worship but what alot of people don't realize is that that's not all worship is about. Yes, we are worshiping God on Sunday mornings and through the songs that we sing but if we stop there we're really selling ourselves short of all that worship is.

Worship is a state of heart.... it's what we do in our everyday lives.... it includes everything.....YES! Everything! .... even brushing your teeth.... Like I said's a state of heart.... if we have the attitude that we're gonna worship God with what we're doing and give it to him.... that can be worship. On the flip side of that I have to say that just because we are singing worship songs or at a worship service at church.....that doesn't mean we are worshiping God. I mean come on.... if you're sitting there in the middle of church during a worship song thinking about the football game and ignoring what you're there for..... even though you're there.... I don't think that can be considered worship.

Anyway... thats what I have to share.... sorry if it's jumbled.... I started it then finished it a month later.... hope it makes sense to someone. Blessings to you all.
