Friday, April 01, 2005

Pinecones and Paintballs!

This weekend is going to be another one of those long weekends.... why you ask? Well, because this weekend we have the annual Calvary Church High School Group guys and girls spring retreat!!! Now don't you all get up and cheer all at once. Actually I'm pretty excited about going this weekend... I mean I get excited anytime I get the opportunity to shoot at people and get all dirty.... what can be more fun then that? Actually what I'm really looking forward to is are times of worship we get to have on the retreat. I don't know what it is about it but I love getting the opportunity to worship God surrounded by the beauty of his creation. It's just neat to me. Another thing I am looking forward to is worshiping as a group of guys.... there is really something special and unique about worshiping in that setting.... there is a freedom for our guys... and to be honest I think it comes because there aren't any girls around so there is nobody to impress. So the result is heartfelt, unhindered worship to our creator. That is what I'm excited about!

1 comment:

Stephanator said...

Hi, Victor!
You wanna see an even crazier pic of Tonn? Go here:
And welcome to blogging!!! =)