Friday, July 15, 2005

Naming a legend

I was thinking today... my guitar needs a good name.... I mean all great guitar players name their guitars right?.... not to say that I'm great by any stretch but still.... so I started to think and came up with the name Larry..... Why Larry you ask?... well it seems to fit since it is a Larrivee guitar... that plus that name just fits it's personality... only thing is that Larry can't be a girl which tends to be the fad when naming guitars or cars for that matter... they tend to be female names right?.... anyway.... what do ya think of Larry?


Anonymous said...

Larry's good.

Anonymous said...

I think your crazy, but I still love you! Your loving wife :'p

Eric Wakeling said...

Larry is cool, but it needs to be a girl name. Maybe Willimena or Gertrude.

Anonymous said...

I know - Lori